Legal notice
Kéré Foundation e. V.
Arndtstraße 34
10965 Berlin Germany
Telephone : +49 30 78952391
Responsible for contents: Diébédo Francis Kéré
Registered at the District Court of Charlottenburg Nr. 18739Nz
Image Credits:
Landing Page Intro: Francis Kéré
Landing Page Portrait: Urban Zinterl
Our Projects Intro: Simeon Duchoud
Education Intro: Enrico Cano
Environment Intro: Francis Kéré
Health Intro: Francis Kéré
Our Practice Intro: Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk
Architecture Intro: Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk
Architecture Portrait: Enrico Cano
Collaboration Intro: Sidney E. Frank Foundation
Resources Intro: Francis Kéré
Partnerships Intro: Francis Kéré
About Us Portrait: Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk